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A Little About Me

I learned at an early age that trying new things would have one of two results; either you found out you didn't like it or, it could be one of your new favorite things.  This is something that I have always kept in my decision-making process.  

I think it is because of this that I'm always up for an adventure.  I love trying, and experiencing new things and cultures.  I find it fun to create, be it DIY home projects, photography, writing, music, or creative content.  My latest interest is in horticulture design, but, I am not great at keeping my one house plant alive so it is a work in progress!

I'm currently living in the San Francisco Bay Area, it is one of my favorite places I have ever lived.  It has such an interesting mix of culture and innovation, oh, and great weather.  I've become interested in doing more social good, for animals and the planet.  I think there is so much more we can do to make the world a little bit better by just doing a few small and easy things.


Thank you for visiting, drop me a line, I'd love to hear from you.  

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